In the “note” section of your order, please provide us with the following info for your mystery box. If there is no note, your order may be cancelled / refunded:
- What consoles / categories would you prefer games or items from? (You can get plushies, toys, movies, games, accessories, etc)
- Do you want quality or quantity? (Good games or filler titles)
- Do you only want games that are complete? Or are games missing manuals or cases ok? (Loose cartridges ok?)
- Is there any anything you for sure do NOT want?
- We won’t purposefully give you items you do not want, but because we are selling a lot of these, and have multiple people gathering items for these boxes, we cannot guarantee specific items, and some of the items in your box may not be 100% in-line with your requests. Not every box is guaranteed to have rare or expensive games in them, although some do. That is the “mystery” part of a mystery box.
- The total value of your box will be equal to or slightly higher than what you pay, regardless of what types of items you receive. (A $50 mystery box may have $50 to $60 worth of items in it for example, or a $500 box might have $500 to $600 value). Value is based off of our prices.
- We will not fill your mystery box with cheap sports games (unless you specifically request them).
- Some items may have cosmetic issues like scratching, stickers, sharpie, torn artwork, water damaged artwork, etc. Please be aware that since these games are pulled at random, you may receive games that have cosmetic flaws. The games will still be in 100% working condition, but physically they may have wear and tear.
- If there is a specific item or game that you want, it would be best to order that in addition to your mystery box, instead of hoping it will be added in randomly.
- Boxes are sold as-is, and items cannot be swapped out or returned (unless defective or non-working), so please be sure that you are ok with getting random stuff in your box before making a purchase. Obviously we cannot guarantee 100% satisfaction with a mystery box, but we do our best to accommodate requests.
A box of quality games would be suited for someone looking to potentially play all of the games in the box, while a box of quantity would be better for a collector looking to fill holes in their collections with a lot of cheaper / less desirable games. Quality does not automatically mean more expensive or more rare, but instead would be games that are generally considered to be “good” games.
You’ll receive a partial refund if the shipping cost is less than what you paid. If the shipping is more than what you paid, we pay the difference.
If anyone is insane enough to get the “Crazy Person Mystery Box,” you will get some really awesome stuff, tons of extras and maybe some 1 of a kind items.